Punks piled into the crowd at a show, most of them grinning, one of them looks a little smooshed and distressed.
The crowd for 7 Seconds and Champion.

7 Seconds and Champion at ICC Church in Allston (Boston), March 2005. Plus one photo from a 108 show, maybe Boston, but probably 924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, California, also circa 2006.

A microphone is held in a crowd of dudes, their limbs going in every direction.
Champion (I think), and the crowd.
A guitarist jumping in the air.
A small group screams together into a microphone.
The front-person leans in to scream with the audience.
7 Seconds.
A sweaty man with a shaved head and a streak of black paint on his cheek looks intensely to the side.
A band performs while someone is crouched low with an SLR camera.
Me photographing the crowd during Champion's set.
Two guitarists jump in the air while a small person off to the side photographs.
Me photographing 7 Seconds.